VFA Profile
VFA-Interlift e.V. was founded in 1987 as an association to promote the use of lifts and escalators. Its objective – as defined by its founding members – was «to promote the use of passenger conveyance facilities». The initiative emanated from small and medium-sized manufacturers in the lift sector who set VFA up as a platform to represent their interests. The Association comprised 30 members in its first year, but in the meantime has grown to more than 160 members – not only from Germany. VFA is the home of the German-speaking community when it comes to lifts.
The first major task of the young VFA was to provide expert support for (and actively organise) interlift, the international exhibition and Congress that was envisaged for 1988 in Munich. The event turned out to be a great success. We looked for – and found – a good partner to help us establish and expand the exhibition on an international basis: AFAG-Ausstellungsgesellschaft mbH Nürnberg-Augsburg. Via its board and Exhibition Advisory Committee, VFA is a crucial contributor to this event.

interlift in Augsburg has already taken place ten times since 1991 – each exhibition boasting bigger numbers of exhibitors and visitors. interlift has in the meantime become the world’s most important exhibition for lifts, covering 40,000 m2 and attracting around 500 exhibitors from almost 40 countries as well as just under 20,000 visitors, of whom over 50% are from abroad. The first Congress has in the meantime evolved into the VFA Forum, with over 50 international presentations on every day of the exhibition.
Since 1995 the Association has also offered its members the opportunity to participate in lift exhibitions throughout the world by using its joint stands. This is a simple and inexpensive way to introduce yourself, forge initial contacts, and gain an overview of the respective markets. VFA was already represented in this way in Moscow in 2009. Since 2010 there has been a presence at exhibitions in India, China, South America, Poland, and South Korea, with more to follow.

26. September 1987 Founded in Munich as an association to promote the use of lifts and escalators
1988 First international exhibition (interlift) and Congress in Munich
1991 interlift and Forum in Augsburg
1993 Founding of VFA Academy
1995 Renamed as VFA-Interlift e.V. – Association for Lift Technology
seit 1995 VFA joint stands at lift exhibitions throughout the world
seit 1997 Member of the European Lift Association (ELA) in Brussels
seit 2000 Standards database for honorary VFA contributors to the Standards Working Group
seit 2002 Kasseler Aufzugstage (conference in Kassel, Germany)
seit 2005 Non-material support for the Schwelmer Symposium
2008 First series of seminars about (further) training to comply with VDI 2168: “Lifts – Qualification of Personnel”
2009 Energy label software for VDI 4707: “Lifts – Energy Efficiency”
2009 First VFA debate about standards
2011 Free consultation & advice for VFA members
2012 Technical Officer
2013 Relaunch of the website with an internal member area
2014 Own training rooms of the VFA Academy
2015 Introduction of 3 newsletters on the association's main topics: members, academy, standards work
The objective and purpose of the Association
- To take account of the interests of our members, both at home and abroad
- To promote and disseminate insights concerning the use of lifts
- To promote and organise technical/scientific events
- To initiate and nurture contacts with other relevant specialist organisations
- To obtain information from lift users who are particularly reliant on this means of transport
- To initiate and advise when arranging shows and exhibitions in this sector
- To establish, promote, and nurture contacts with the specialist press, both at home and abroad
- To be involved in national and international bodies for our members